Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Group Work [Gabby & Janey]

Some of my findings so far..
I've been browsing the market for what's currently out there on the market and finding a niche for our app.

An article about the 10 best cooking apps and a short run-down on what the apps offer.

^Pay particular attention to "Appetites" because of it's same day delivery of recipes that you can shop in-app, available in 9 major cities. And, "Cookpad" recipes application allows for recipe trading, forums and chat room type communication again, in-app.This last app is basically a network for the foodies that actually like to make the food they consume, opposed to the dine-in , take out foodies we see often times on instagram.

The point of this article kind of illustrates that there are variety of applications right now that currently do what we have considered offering in our app, I'm weary of being redundant.
So let's try to brainstorm a few more ideas.

I still like the food aspect, I think it's a pain that we all have.
A) eats
B) gets hungry

and let's face it...
a chunk of our income each month goes towards food.
Let's try to address the consumer money aspect.
Is there a way to monitor this?
How much do we pay attention to what we buy?
What's in your pantry, how fast do you use it?
I'm a creature of habit I tend to have staples in my household that are alwayyys there.
For instance, bananas I buy bunches of them by two or threes. What if I knew exactly how many days it takes for me to consume a my supply.

What if we could use our phones to scan the barcode as we unpack our groceries, and then scan again as we throw out the box or last peel. This would be a way to keep track relatively of how quickly you consume something, and it could help alleviate the chore of grocery shopping.
Knowing how quickly you will use something will also help you make buying decisions and lean towards better deals.

Ideally it would be best if we could somehow conceptualize a way to link our bank account into this equation, our itemized list of things we bought at smiths then we could link that into finding recipes with what we have on hand...

And, if we could geographically have a connection between consumption and grocery pit-stops that would be great as well.
Say you and your roommate finish a box of cliff bars in three days, and as you are passing smiths with their 10 for $10, you get an alert on day 2 that says, tomorrow you'll run out of bars stop by smiths and grab some and save this grocery trip....

Another point to make, this idea could combat over buying.
Buying too many lbs of green beans or a too large head of broccoli.
We all have our phones with us. All the time. And in every room of our homes.
So it isn't a huge chore to input into our phone on our photo of a head of broccoli, "1/4 used" and what if the app is able to alert us three days after this, "3/4 broccoli left" decay life of broccoli only four more days edible. ( I hate throwing out unused produce..) So after we cut off the amount that we will use that evening, grab your phone and hit 1/2 left..
Or you get an alert that says "buy salmon, you have broccoli that goes bad soon" (because your food app knows you like salmon with your broccoli ..because of your known spending habits)
This app would think for us, because I hate the "what should we have for dinner" "where should we go eat" the app would say this is what you have... here's an option.

In a perfect world we would all meal plan, and eat healthy balanced meals, instead of turning to our "perceived as easier alternative"... takeout. This could be our other easy... and it could be a step towards getting back to healthy good for you food... instead of hitting up Mcdonald's getting two large fries and a 6 piece of nuggets and calling it good..

Okay ladies, what do you think?
ANY comments are appreciated and encouraged and I will see you all Monday.


  1. I feel like this app goes along with this idea.
    If there was a way to connect this kind of fridge technology with items that don't belong in the fridge (such as items that go on a shelf in the pantry or your bathroom for toiletries even) I think we'd be onto something.

  2. I think what you have found is awesome! I love the bar code idea to keep track of what you have purchased. if the tech is available it would be awesome to actually just take a picture of the inside of your fridge or cupboard and the app figures out what you have.. fast and easy. the second option would be a speak to function where you verbally list out what you have and it will take note of it for you. i love where this is going and totally wish i had this app the other night
