Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Gabby & Janey

Watch a few of these reviews and make notes on what works, what doesn't, and kind of determine what we want our app to be able to do that this doesn't. Keep in mind we want our app to be able to connect to grocery stores for prices, coupons,track expiration dates, send reminders about food spoiling, etc. Those type of notes, and watching the woman stand by the fridge in the first clip kind of exhausted me, it reminds me of the days of channel flipping from the actual console rather than remote in your hand use, everything can be displayed on your smart phone so why have the fridge screen in the first place? I seems like an additional cost, maybe we can come up with a way to have this whole system, along with our additions, all on one device. Let's also research whether or not this can be sent to more than one phone, say your husband's?

LG Refrigerator

Example one

Example two

Example three

Example four

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